Thursday, May 12, 2005

Check Out News from India

DNAMicro is a genetics and DNA microarray specialist in hyderabad, India.

Here is a link to the Bioinformatics News Portal, which brings the latest News, Articles, and Online resources to your screen.

This article is about is about Micro arrays and how this tool can be used to further understand our genetic code.
DNA Microarray technology makes use of the sequence information available from the genome projects and other sequencing efforts to answer the questions like, what genes are expressed in a particular cell type of an organism, at a particular time, under a particular condition.

What do Micro Arrays do for disease analysis?
Microarray analysis will improve our understanding of diagnosis and prognosis. Using microarrays gives scientists great potential for discovering new classes of tumors, and for predicting how tumors may respond to therapy.

Could also be used for SNP analysis

Here is the Website


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